Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26th! Happy Turkey Day!

I thought today could be all about how I celebrated Thanksgiving this year. A lot of changes...some good and some not so good but the day is near done...well almost time for another round of food...and overall it has been sweet.

I started today with my first 8K. Technically that is supposed to be 4.97 miles. Somehow that ended up being 5.57 miles according to my Nike+ sensor. That chick don't lie so I am going with her time and distance. It was pretty darn fun and makes me know that I can do a 1/2 marathon. We were gonna wait until April to do the first one but heard rumor today that there is on in Myrtle Beach in February...and it is flat...and it is pretty easy. So, we are in! Overall time for today's romp was 49:07 which was not great but good enough for the first time. The best part was having Henry and John at many of the turns along the course to cheer us on. It's always great to be supported!

We came home from that and I got started with cooking! We ate mac n' cheese, pineapple casserole, sweet potato casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin bread and of course turkey! The pecan pie is waiting patiently on the counter. I have to say that T-Day was a little lonely this year. It was just Henry and John and I as our family all scattered in different directions this year. When John woke up this morning he came downstairs and started asking about Tday and what would happen. I told him what we were eating and this was how the rest went..." and then we are going to the race?" "Yep, and then we will come home and start cooking our food." "And then everyone will come over and eat with us?" "Nope, they aren't coming this year." "What, why not?" "Well, they just aren't. They went other places." "So no one is coming over?" "Nope. It's just you, me and Dad." "Well, that just isn't Thanksgiving." From the mouths of babes.

I hope that you and yours have enjoyed a fabulous day filled with delicious food, warm family moments and lots to be thankful for!

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